
For many laboratory and industrial applications, high-purity water which is essentially free from ionic contaminants is required. The water of this quality can be produced by deionization.
The two most common types of deionization are:

  • Two-bed deionization
  • Mixed-bed deionization

Two-bed Deionization
Two Bed DM Plant comprises two mild steel rubber-lined /FRP pressure vessels filled with strongly acidic cation exchange resin and strongly basic anion exchange resin. They are available in a range of diameters. The modular construction permits flexibility in the selection of cation and anion units to cater to different types of raw water. Degasser modules for the range Of CA units are also available. These are useful for raw waters containing a significant amount of alkalinity. Treated water of conductivity less than 10 microsiemence/cm with ph of 7.5 to 8.5 is achieved at the Two Bed DM Plant outlet.

Mixed-bed Deionization:
Mix Bed DM Plant comprises of one Mild steel rubber-lined/FRP pressure vessel filled with strong acidic captions exchange resin and strongly basic anion exchange resin in mixed form. They are available in a range of diameters. Mix Bed DM Plant is usually used as a polishing unit at the outlet of Two Bed DM Plant/RO Plant. The modular construction permits flexibility in the selection of cation and anion units to cater to different types of raw water. Treated water of conductivity less than 1 microsiemence/cm with ph of 6.5 to 7.5 is achieved at Mix Bed DM Plant outlet.


  • Foundries
  • Food & Beverages
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Electroplating & Semiconductors
  • Cosmetics Industries
  • Paper & Pulp Industry

Range: We can supply these plants in specifications as per the requirements. Flow range of 1.0-10.0 m3 / hr and even more.